Pinterest Moms, I Salute You! :: Sincerely, An Amazon Prime Mom

The Internet is a double-edged sword for moms. It is a forum for moral support in Facebook mommy groups and an endless source of information on wonderful sites like this one. But it is also a fresh new avenue for judgment. Not just judgment by other moms, but by yourself. Because we all know that we are our harshest critics.

Nothing makes me doubt my mom-ness more than my inability to be crafty. Well, that, and the fact that my kid won’t eat anything that isn’t battered, but that is a story for another day.

My sister is an amazing artist and is known for creating the most beautiful hand-made gifts for every holiday. We have several of her canvases hanging in our house. My mom (the mom-liest mom of all moms) can DIY a door wreath, hand stitch a Halloween costume, and whip up a hand-made diaper cake at the same time (because we all know moms are the ultimate multitaskers). But not me, the lone craft-challenged member of my family.

Last year, parent conferences at my daughter’s school took place during Teacher Appreciation Week. Just reading the words “Teacher Appreciation Week” made my anxiety level spike. My Facebook and Instagram feeds started filling up with hand-monogrammed coin purses, personalized coffee mugs, glittered gift bags, and various other thoughtful gestures. I tried Pinterest once. I lasted about an hour before I embraced the reality that I am incapable of this level of creativity. The chaos of all those DIY ideas gave me a headache and I promptly deleted the app.

But I was dead set on joining the DIY ranks and showing just how much I appreciated these wonderful teachers. I set out to carefully craft a hand decorated gift bag of candy, a card, and a Starbucks card. No store bought packaging for this Super Mom! I wish I had taken a picture. Fortunately, my dignity and shame talked me out of it. Here’s how the gift presentation went:

Teacher: Hi, Mrs. Robertson! Have a seat.

Me: So good to see you, Ms. Teacher. Here’s a little something for you and Ms. Other Teacher to show you how much you mean to our family.

Teacher: How sweet! Did Layla decorate these herself?

Me: Nope.

<awkward pause>

The good news is, I have no qualms with laughing at myself. But that exchange was the nail in the coffin of my creative endeavors. If it cannot be delivered within 2 days (thank you, Amazon Prime!), then it is not for me.

When the bohemian craft bug strikes, I will go look on Etsy. Everyone has their gifts and talents, and mine is decidedly not crafting. My goodness, you DIY moms are impressive with your endless ideas – hats off to you!

Pinterest Moms, I salute you.

A Proud Amazon Prime Mom

Roxanna Robertson
Roxanna is a wife, mom, and lawyer, fueled by cold brew coffee, Tex-Mex, and sarcasm. She grew up in Plano, called Denton home for 12 years, and moved back to Collin County in 2011 with her husband Mike ready to start her career and family. In 2012, along came their spirited daughter with her mom's opinionated personality and love of being silly. Roxanna embraces the humor in every day parenting. She spends whatever time is left after asking her daughter to put her shoes on for the hundredth time cooking with her husband, enjoying patio time with girlfriends, and figuring out how to use Snapchat without feeling old.