“I Don’t Have Time…” 3 Time-Management Tips for Busy Moms

Ah, I hate this phrase. When I say it I cringe inside, especially when saying it to my child. It’s a little alarm going off in my head, telling me that I need to reevaluate my priorities. I do not want that phrase to be something that defines my life, our family’s life, or my son’s childhood. Part of this is because I like control, probably a little too much! Time is precious and I want to make the most of my life. I’m an intentional person and I want to spend my time with purpose. 

There are many things competing to keep us busy. I’m a strong believer in a plan and a schedule. If I don’t get it on my calendar, it won’t happen! I’ve learned where I need space in my schedule to make sure I have time for what matters. It’s an ongoing process that changes with each stage of life. Sometimes I need more time to rest, social time, or family time. I’ve learned with little ones I need more time to do almost everything! I try to listen to my body and prioritize my needs. Getting here was a process—I had to learn that I was worth it! When I live with better balance and intentional priorities, I am healthier all around.

This is a process for me, one that takes continual checks and reevaluations. But it is so worth it. I understand busy, I have been through many seasons of busy. One of the most drastic moves we made to change our lifestyle was move to a more affordable area where my husband and I wouldn’t have to spend as much time working to afford our life. We also took (and are still taking) major steps to get out of debt and live within our means.

Here is how I got started working on time management in an intentional way:

1.  Set your priorities. I’m not talking about being too busy to do the things that don’t really matter to you. That’s ok; there are a million things you could be doing with your time. Why not make sure you’re spending your life doing things that matter to you? I’ve picked things that matter most to me; things that will still matter to me in 50 years. My top three are: my spiritual life and relationship with God, a healthy, fun relationship with my husband, and a connected, healthy relationship with my son.

2.  Write down how you spend your time for three straight days. Use as much detail as possible. For example: 5:30-5:45am wake up, 5:45-6:00am shower, 6:00-6:25am get dressed, fix hair and makeup, etc…the process might seem tedious but the results are worth it. Most of the time we don’t realize how we spend our time. This will also help you find space in your schedule for better things.  According to multiple studies, the average American watches five hours of television per day and spends 10-11 hours looking at a screen. Surely not all of that is necessary. It’s hard to say, “I don’t have time” to accomplish my priorities if I’ve also spent five hours watching TV or on social media!

3.  Look at your finances. Are you stretched too thin? Is chasing material possessions and expenses exhausting you? Finances are a major stressor and can contribute to health issues, stress levels, conflict in relationships, etc. Getting this area of your life in order can be a major step towards a more peaceful life.

Hopefully tackling these three things will improve your time management skills. What has worked for you?


Julia Wallace
Julia and her husband moved from Southern California to Texas in 2014. They love exploring their new home state and finding fun things to do with their two sons who were born in 2015 and 2018. She studied Theology and Fine Arts in college and enjoys using that unique combination in daily life! She’s spent many years working at her church with women, children and youth ministry. Before moving to Texas she owned a dance studio where she loved to help people realize their passions and talents in dance and acting. She is now enjoying the daily adventures of Mom life while writing about faith, family life, photography, and healthy food on her blog, SouthernMercy.wordpress.com and on Instagram @jewelswallace. Recently, she and her husband have started on a Foster to Adoption journey and are looking forward to the adventures that await.