5 Healthy Changes to Make Today

Now that we are well into 2018, we are at the point where everyone starts to abandon their New Year’s resolutions. I’ll be honest, I’m not someone who makes resolutions, but I set goals for myself and then forget about them or give up. I need to see some sort of pay off pretty quickly in order keep myself motivated. This has been especially true when it comes to postpartum weight loss. When I got pregnant almost three years ago, multiple people made sure to let me know my tiny body would never be the same. I had hoped the weight would just fall off after my daughter was born, but that didn’t happen. When I was four months postpartum, I tried the 21 Day Fix by Beachbody, and LOVED it. I felt great, I wasn’t nearly as tired anymore, I was healthier, and all around just better! The things I learned from that program have stuck with me and I would fully encourage anyone and everyone to try it.

But as much as I loved the changes I was making and the way I felt, I didn’t lose any weight. Instead, I gained three pounds. Believe me, I understand the science behind it all. I get why my body’s initial reaction was to gain a little weight with so many changes going on. And I didn’t feel discouraged right away. But then I never lost any weight.

Here we are, two years later and I’ve finally found a few healthy changes to make in my everyday life. So far, I’ve lost eight of the 15-18 pound goal I have set for myself and I am more motivated than ever! I’m not saying this is going to help you lose weight easily and quickly, but it will definitely help you become a healthier you. 

1. Drink water

I know, I know. This one is so over-stated. Everyone always says that water is the answer to all our problems, but y’all… it actually works. I have one of those tumbler cups with a straw and lid that I keep full of ice water at all times. Something about having really cold water and drinking it through a straw just makes it easier for me. I don’t wait for the cup to be empty to refill it. I started drinking more water around the middle of December and it very quickly became a habit. Now, I don’t crave soda or snacks at any point in the day. I used to feel hungry pretty much at all times during the day and that feeling has gone away as well. As an added bonus, my skin is nice and clear and I haven’t worn foundation in a month. Basically, you can’t lose by drinking more water.

2. Stop drinking soda

As obvious as this one is, so many people just can’t convince themselves to give up soda. I’ve tried so many times in the past and I just couldn’t do it. But around November and December of last year, I was craving a Coke from McDonald’s quite literally every day at 2pm. If I didn’t have it, I truly felt like I was going to pass out. I’ve never been dependent on something like this before, so I knew it was time for a change. I quit cold turkey. Now that it’s been a couple months, I do drink diet soda from time to time, or the occasional small or medium soda with a meal, but it’s always followed with a full glass of water and I almost never finish the soda the way I used to. The biggest difference is that I’m not craving it anymore. And thank goodness for that.

3. Add exercise

We all have a million excuses for why we don’t have time to exercise. I haven’t added in full workouts just yet, but I’ve definitely made a huge effort to keep myself moving. Instead of watching TV with my daughter in the morning, I do chores around the house while she plays or helps me. When we go to the store, I park a little farther away. I take her to the park on nice days and we walk as much as possible. And I do squats and calf raises every chance I get. Before I go up the stairs, 20 calf raises. Getting my daughter up from her nap, 20 calf raises. It’s so much easier than you think it is. Do I break a sweat? No. But it keeps me moving and gets my blood flowing. And it strengthens and stretches my muscles in the process. Once I’m ready to start doing workouts, I’ll head to my favorite apps on my phone. I recommend either Beachbody On Demand or Sweat by Kayla Itsines. (Please note: Both are subscriptions.)

4. Don’t eat after 8pm

This might have been my biggest offense. I definitely used to be a late-night snacker. I broke this habit completely by accident. By drinking more water, I don’t feel hungry as often. By keeping myself busy during the day, I’m actually tired at night and don’t stay up nearly as late as I used to, thus not giving myself the opportunity to be hungry late at night.

5. Portion control

We are almost all guilty of abusing this one. It’s so easy to get used to eating more than you need to. But after a couple weeks of eating the correct portions, your body adjusts and stops telling you, “More, more, more!” Every day for lunch I give my daughter turkey, cheese, crackers, and fruit. She loves it and specifically asks for it. So why shouldn’t I have a balanced meal as well? Now, at lunch, I have a sandwich with chicken, cheese, and mustard (I’ll add lettuce and tomato if we have it) and some yogurt or fruit. My body has gotten used to eating exactly that amount and doesn’t tell me I’m still hungry all afternoon like it used to. If I do get hungry in the middle of the day, I will snack on yellow bell peppers and some Ranch.

It’s all so much easier than it seems. Everything I’ve said just comes down to making the smallest of changes. Eat whole grain bread instead of white. Brown rice instead of white pasta. Decrease your portion sizes. Go for a walk instead of watching TV. Water instead of soda. I haven’t made any other changes besides the ones I listed and I’ve finally started to see progress. Obviously everyone is different and sheds weight differently, but these five healthy changes can get you on track to being a healthier you!

Do you have any other tips you would add to this list? Tell us in the comments!

Ashley Pease
Ashley has lived in Collin County for most of her life, with the exception of the 2 years she spent working at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Now she is a stay-at-home mom and the Disney expert in every room she enters. She lives with her fiancé, daughter, dog, and cat. When she is not traveling to and from Orlando with her toddler, you can find Ashley planning her wedding, volunteering with a local cat rescue group, and spending as much time as possible with her family. Ashley has become quite the expert at flying with her almost-2-year-old, Addison, and is always eager to help other moms prepare for travel with a toddler. Ashley enjoys watching documentaries about The Royal Family, musicals, and the bonus features on all her favorite movies. She is always on the hunt for the best lipstick and is determined to prove that it is possible to be a regular mom and a cool mom at the same time.